Caring for Our Community
P.O. Box 27912, Tulsa, OK 74149-0912
Greetings Neighbor,
Here are a few reminders and items of interest that we think you will find helpful.
The GroupMe app is a safe neighborhood sharing app that you can join by emailing our HOA Secretary at northwestpassagehoa@gmail.com
Homeowners can:
Fill out a Violations Form on this Website
Or Email violation information to northwestpassagehoa@gmail.com
All Violation Reports MUST include:
Your name, email address, phone and address
Violators address (the HOA will have no way of knowing ‘who’ the violators are if you do not supply the violators address)
Details of the Violation
Pictures are required
Homeowners can:
mail a check to: P.O. Box 27912, Tulsa, OK 74149-0912
Click the PAY ASSESMENTS link on this website
PayPal: PayPal.me/CrossTimbersHOA
When you pay your HOA dues, these are the items the funds are aollocated to:
1. Neighborhood lighting to pay the monthly Bills.
2. State Farm HOA insurance.
3. Mowing, snow removal, entrance upkeep.
4. Attorney and Legal fees for non-payment of dues.
5. Postage, supplies, & PO Box.
6. Reserve area property taxes to Osage County Assessor.
7. Administrative Fees: Website/Domain Fees